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Join Me

Please join me as I give you even more reasons to love Fredon too. 


You can read about my ideas and vision for the School and Township below in my Feature Stories. I hope to meet you in person soon and hear why you love Fredon too! 

                                - Laura Ciccolella

Announcement 2

Your Fredon Stories

I want to hear from you!

Please send me your ideas on how to make Fredon a great place to live and your favorite stories about this beautiful town.  If you have pictures, please share those with me too.

I hope to meet you in person and connect over our love of Fredon soon!

Social Media

Please visit me on lnstagram!

©2022 by Laura Loves Fredon. Written by Laura Ciccolella. Designed by Laura Ciccolella. Paid for by Laura Ciccolella for Fredon BOE.

(Paid for by Laura Ciccolella for Fredon Township Committee up until April 2023. Then, paid for by Laura Ciccolella until August 2024 and now paid for by Laura Ciccolella for Fredon BOE.)

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